Let’s just say you want to replace those three dots (…) with a read more link. And, This is a perfect real-world scenario.
We can actually do this by accessing the global $post
variable and other template tags that we usually use inside the loop.
Yep! If it is a filter hook that handles the data that belongs to a particular post, you can access every piece of that post inside that filter with the help of the template tags that we usually inside the loop.
For example:
* Remove brackets at the end of each excerpt and read more link
function nd_dosth_custom_excerpt_more() {
return '' . ' Read More »' . '';
add_filter( 'excerpt_more', 'nd_dosth_custom_excerpt_more' );
The above code might look complicated for a beginner PHP developer, but it is just some basic PHP concatenation.
Powerful, right?
Anyway, I don’t want this filter based read more like, I am reverting it back to the three dots I love.
In the next lesson, we will fix a problem related to the categories located at the bottom of every blog post.