Delete unused images to save disk space and hosting fees

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Updated On: May 4, 2023 0 Comments

If you post regularly on your WordPress website, you could be uploading a lot of images.

But sometimes, you may end up not using some of the uploaded images as part of a messy process.

It is common but there is a big problem with it. The disk space gets wasted.

And this is a big problem because most good hosting services charge based on how big your site is in terms of disk space.

For example, Cloudways charge $14 for a site that occupies 25 GB and $28 for a site that occupies more 25Gb.

Even automatic backups take a lot of time if the site is big. It is not a good sign either.

So, as the years pass by, you’ll be paying unnecessary additional hosting fees for the images that you are not using at all.

Most website owners realize this pretty late.

Don’t be that website owner!

So, every week, try to find images that are not being used and delete them to save good money in the long run.

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